Expanding Serving the People's Weekly Discussion Group
Why Kickstarter?
We want to take our mission further, transforming our weekly meetings into a global network. Our aim is to increase our visibility by connecting thousands of creatives through two new discussion groups in London, UK and Los Angeles, ensuring that more artists can benefit from our diverse community.
What We Do
Serving the People currently hosts weekly meetings on the Lower East Side of New York City, acting as a creative hub where artists engage in collaborative discussions, share ideas, and initiate projects. These gatherings are crucial for fostering an inclusive environment where participants can share their experiences and learn from each other. Occasionally our meetings host guest speakers who provide advice and mentorship to our community, thus further enabling cross-generational discussion.
To learn more visit: http://kck.st/3KEjIyi
Serving the People is a non-profit organization that assists artists and creators in making meaningful connections both online and in person.
Since 2017, Serving the People has provided thousands of artists from over 13 countries with the opportunity to connect and engage in meaningful dialogue about their work, ideas, and projects.
Visit our homepage for more information.