“Abjection as Abstraction” is a virtual group show featuring both emerging and established artists from all backgrounds based in the United Kingdom and the United States. The show presents works ranging from sculptural objects, installations, paintings, written text, photographs, and prints.
This international online exhibition explores notions of the abject through forms of abstraction. Abjection can be a complex and ambiguous concept; the abject can be understood as a threat, something that doesn't let itself become seduced, or a source of differentiation or process of rejection between the self and the non-self.
The process of abjection may be triggered by disgust or phobia. It is without status and exists socially as a sense of denial. It fails to be recognized as familiar or desirable, causing it to carry a sense of uncanniness that is inseparable from abstraction, which relies on the unfamiliar. We asked the artists in this show what abjectness is to them. Is it caused by the self? Or something external?